Friday, November 26, 2010

Missing The South Pacific

5 years ago in New Hampshire I was home sick, so I brought out a picture that my husband had taken when we went to Madang Province in Papua New Guinea. This picture brought me back home. The temperature outside was below 20, but I felt warm. I was alone and it was very quiet around me, but I felt like I was in the middle of the market where we saw these masks, lots of people around me and I could smell the fresh produce and grilled fish the vendors were selling. I was inland, but I could see the water right outside and the small islands in the distant.

Papua New Guinea has one of the best form of art I've seen.  These masks are created to be inhabited by spirits. They are intended both to help the people meet the challenges of everyday life and to ward off the influences of unfriendly spirits. Many of the carvings are also used in ceremonies and rituals that mark the important stages of life.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Most Recent Oil

This is my most recent oil painting....A portrait of a friend in UAE. I started messing up his picture in photoshop and ended up putting it on canvas.

He now has the painting and seem to like it....hmmm...or is he just being nice?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Belly Cast

Just made my belly cast today. The artist? husband. And he did a great job.
It's fun and you get to keep a souvenir from your pregnancy. My sister-in-law got me a pregnancy Belly Cast kit which consisted of plaster cast, vaseline, drop cloth, gloves, & sanding screen.
To make the Belly Cast, all you really need is plaster, warm water, drop cloth, vaseline & gloves. The kit comes with an easy to follow instructions. It took us only 30 minutes from preparation to making the actual cast.
WARNING: It's messy!  ...but you'll have fun.